ATOMblocks are software add-ons for EV3-G IDE, significantly expanding the ability to create complex programs for the popular LEGO Mindstrorms EV3 robotic controller. In addition to new functionality, ATOMblocks offer exceptional performance due to low-level optimization – which is especially appreciated in sport robotics. If you’re not satisfied with the functionality of our existing creations, ATOMo can design program block of any complexity to meet your needs.
Every ATOMblock comes with all nesessary files to get started. We also provide support via Telegram chat or
ACTION LFPD V2.2 LCS REF LFPD can precisely move robot along the line and detect intersection points using our PD-algorithms. It’s particularly great for opposite medium motor base but can be easily adapted to any chassis design. LFPD V2.2 LCS works with two EV3 Color Sensonrs in standard Reflected Light (RF) mode. Features:
Packed with:
LFPD V3.1 LCS REF-RAW Further development of the LFPD ATOMblocks family. LFPD V3.1 uses hidden REF-RAW mode of EV3 Color sensor, unavailable in stock EV3-G software. It also gives ability to calibrate each sensor individually. Features:
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TURN V1.1 LCS REF-RAW TURN v1.0* perfectly complements LFPD v3.x making go-and-turn sequences easy. Features:
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*TURN v1.0 requires LFPD v3.x to operate properly. |
GNAV V1.1 GNAV v1.1 introduces inertial (“blind”) navigation on the field using only one EV3 Gyro Sensor. Features:
ACCM V1.2 ACCM unlocks native aceeleration\deceleration ability for large and medium motors (EV3/NXT). Features:
ADVANCED CLR V1.3 LCS CLR v1.x will let EV3 Color Sensor to detect object(s) color at much greater distances and with better accuracy. Features:
DATA OPERATIONS DATAOP V1.5 DATAOP v1.5 can convert obsure data into explicit forms using our filtering/processing algorhitms. Features: